$497.00 USD

Every month

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Mom & Pop Millionaire Real Estate Coaching: Gold offer

Our best value for advancing your real-estate business.

What you'll get:

  • Real Time Expert Access & Support During Office Hours  
  • Quarterly 1:1 Coaching for Advanced Investment Strategies (30 minute)  
  • Creative Deal Structuring Techniques & Deal Analysis  
  • VIP Access to Sponsored Events & Workshops  
  • 30-minute weekly unfiltered (H.O.T.)  Real Estate Group Q&A via Zoom 
  • One personalized Real Estate Strategy Coaching Session via Zoom (60 minutes) 
  • 60-90 minute “interactive” Weekly Real Estate Coaching Meetings via Zoom 
  • Access to Deal Analysis Tools  
  • John & Joy’s Property Management Toolkit 
  • Access to Video Replays from Previous 60 Days of calls 

Please note: 

  • All payments are non-refundable. 
  • No contracts, cancel any time prior to billing cycle.